Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back on the eating track!

Sorry for the delay in getting another post but we’ve been extremely busy with life and throwing in some sickness and family visits have made free time basically obsolete the past two weeks. I also haven’t been eating out much, except on our long weekend trip to Iowa. There were a couple places in Ames I’ve been dying to eat at so this post will focus on those two and a couple others. Also, I’ve broken two digital cameras in a week span. One I was able to return and have decided to not buy another but to hopefully get warranty service on the Panasonic I own.

Maid Rite has been around for several decades. Apparently they had one in Madison years ago but that is long gone. It’s been on my Top 5 of fast food chains I needed to try and one of the locations was featured in Hamburger America so I was excited. I went into the Amana Colonies store right off of I-80 in the middle of Iowa for what I hoped was a supper treat. I tried the original Maid-Rite sandwich with Cheese. The Maid Rite sandwich is basically a sloppy joe that isn’t runny and tastes like a hamburger, supposedly. The one I had was awful It didn’t meet any of the three requirements for fast food: tasty, cheap or large and usually it takes at least 2 of the 3 to make it something I want to buy. The taste was awful. They steam the meat and that takes most of the taste away but they had seasonings to make it taste like something, and that something was bad. I can’t even pin it or compare it. The thing cost me $3.50 and was smaller than a McDonalds double cheeseburger. I won’t be back to Maid Rite if I can help it. Yuck! Fortunately my pictures are missing so you'll never see my Maid Rite experience.

The other two meals of note I had in Iowa were in Ames. Great Plains Sauce & Dough has long been the crown jewel of Iowa pizzerias. And who doesn’t like a good pizza? They specialize in pizzas that are thicker than pan pizzas but made without a pan. While the premise sounded good to me, the realization is that I am not really a bread guy and this was the most yeasty pizza I’ve ever had. It was super doughy so if you love that barely cooked dough taste this place is for you. But the dough taste was way too overwhelming for me and the toppings couldn’t make up for it. But one thing is for sure, I’ve never seen anything like their pizza and I am thankful I got to try it.

While I did get to eat at my favorite place, Bandit Burrito, on the Friday we were there it was the Fighting Burrito in Ames that really excited me. The person who founded Bandit Burrito started at Fighting Burrito so I knew they would be similar but is it possible that they could not only be different but that the Fighting Burrito could be better? It wasn’t a possiblity. While many of the things were very similar, the Fighting Burrito missed in a few key categories. Bandit has better tortillas, beans, cheese and salsa. Not to say that Fighting sucks because it is one of my top 5 burrito places and they have the same beef and sour cream that make Bandit the best place ever. So if you are in Ames and not going to Des Moines, try out the Fighting Burrito! Oh yeah, but don't expect much for is dark and kinda scary in there.

I’ll hopefully have some more Madison updates soon. I’ve recently went out a couple times to some noteworthy chains and one Madison original. Thanks for reading!

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